Hodgytour  -  Day 7

Gibb River Road
Bush Camp to Windjana Gorge, with Tunnel Creek

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Morning in the bush

The group in Tunnel Creek - armed with torches

Woke up at the bush camp to another hot breakfast - this time Porridge and Egg in Toast - yummy

Drove one hour to Imintji store - for a break - loo break and food break. Long line for the one public toilet. Pictured below (soon!).

Drove to Winjana Gorge and set up camp and had lunch.

Then off to Tunnel Creek for a walk through the Creek which runs through a limestone tunnel. Had to wear swimmers and sandals and take torches. Was lots of fun as we waded through the dark waters, trying to avoid submerged logs and rocks. And hoping that we would not find anything alive!! Some swam in the large pool in the centre, which had a warm spring on one side. Saw tree roots from the ground above. At the other end of the tunnel, we came out at a beautiful pool surrounded by trees and rocks. Another magic place (Yes, I know, that adjective is over worked!). Refreshed by more of Hodgy's fruit cake, we made our return trip through the tunnel.

Back to the campsite and dinner - spaghetti bolognese and damper. The only problem was that there was not enough flour for the damper, so Marcel had to knead the sticky dough for ages, til Hodgy  went and asked for some flour from some other campers.

The campsite had cold showers - but at least they had showers, our first showers for 3 nights. There were toilets as well, not even drop ones!

After sunset, we actually had half an hour before the moon rose so that we could actually see the stars. This was the only time during the whole trip that we could see the stars as the moon was full and bright every night.

Then we had the Worm Race. This is a secret. Don't tell anyone about it. But after much hesitation about whether to have the race, Hodgy said OK, then he went and entered it and  won it!!!! Unfortunately my photos are so dark, you can't see what is happening. If anyone has better photos, please send them to me.

We all sat and laughed and joked around the campfire on our backless camp stools. Making jokes about the campers in the other campsites - especially the ones with camp chairs with backs! After the other campers complained about the noise we were making, we somehow seemed to make more, but eventually we all drifted off to bed. Our last night.

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